Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The influence of dietary supplements on the adaptive processes in animals after physical stress
Svetlana Fazlaeva, Lyalya Mussina, Rafkat Fazlaev, Ruzil Yagafarov, Ruzel Khabibullin, Varys Tuktarov, Elza Ismagilova, Foat Karimov, Aygul Bakirova, Ilmir Khabibullin
Abstract: The aim of our research is to study the morphological changes in the well-studied laboratory animals during the period of their physical stress and use of dietary supplements aimed to hasten animals’ recovery, and to correct their organism functional capability. The data got from the research will be applied for powerlifting practices. Complex research was made for the first time to reveal the morphological changes in mice which were under physical stress and used vegetable and animal adaptogenes in their meals at the same time (maral root tincture, pantocrine tincture, and magnolia vine seeds tincture and adsorbed male bee brood and pantocrine for hamsters). It was found that the use of adaptogenic agents before the physical stress contributes to positive changes in the morphology and physiology of the blood and increases the physical endurance of the experimental animals. However, when the experimental and control groups are exposed to the maximal physiological activity during 28 days it can result in their overtraining.
Keywords: adsorbed; hamsters; magnolia; maral root; mice; morphology; vine seeds
Date published: 2019-12-11
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