Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Productivity and technological features of sugar beet root crops when applying of different doses of nitrogen fertilizer under the conditions of the middle Cis-Ural region
Arthur Kamilanov, Bulat Ahiyarov, Azat Muhametshin, Rafael Ismagilov, Damir Islamgulov, Razit Nurligajnov, Kamil Ismagilov, Rafik Enikiev, Aygul Bakirova, Rail Alimgafarov
Abstract: The aim of the research was to determine the optimal dose of nitrogen fertilizer to get maximum yields of root crops with high technological features. For the first time under the conditions of the middle Cis-Ural region the yield and dynamics of top and root mass of sugar beet hybrid Hercules with different doses of nitrogen fertilizer were determined. Technological features of sugar beet roots such as content of potassium, sodium, alpha-amine nitrogen, sugar and purified sugar and also sugar gross collection, standard sugar losses in molasses, purified sugar gross collection when applying of different doses of nitrogen fertilizer were determined. The dependence of the content of molasses-forming substances on nitrogen fertilizer dose was revealed. The indicator of purified sugar gross collection was used to determine the optimal dose of fertilizer. As a result the high economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation for the purified sugar gross collection with nitrogen fertilizer application at a dose rate of 160 kg a.i. per hectare was established.
Keywords: fertilizer dose; gross collection; nitrogen; productivity; purified sugar; sugar; sugar beet; technological features
Date published: 2019-12-10
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