[session_started] => 1739884551
Development direction of stockbreeding sector in Turkey (Tokat city example)
N. Yilmaz, H. Kizilaslan, H. Ebru Onurlubas
Abstract: In this study, present status of animal existence in the Tokat and Turkey has been investigated and the changes in the numbers of bovine and caprine animals which occurred in respect of years, present problems of stockbreeding sector and suggestions for the solution have been exhibited. Time series analysis has been used to determine the direction of regarding changes. The policies followed the implementations which have been done and result of these has been showed. On the other hand, index values have been calculated in terms of varied criterions to state the present status of stockbreeding sector. SWOT analysis (Weak-Strong Sides – Opportunities – Threats), aiming to increase competitiveness and development of sector, established to state existing and possible sides of the sector. There is not a specific stockbreeding sector policy that has continuity and determined aims in Tokat. It is necessary to establish the stockbreeding sector policy including continuity and specific aims.
Keywords: Animal husbandry sector; pursued policies; Turkey
Date published: 2019-10-03
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