Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Agronomic characteristics of the newly synthesized primary alloplasmic octoploid forms of triticale
V. Kussovska
Abstract: The influence of alien cytoplasm, nucleo-cutoplasmic interaction and parental genotypes concerning 9 agronomical characters: heading date, common tillering, culm length, last internode length, ear length, spikelet number per ear, kernel number per ear, kernel weight per main ear, kernel weight per plant and 1000-kernel weight was studied. Agronomical investigation was carried out on 12 new triticale lines, isolated in the process of the cytological stabilization of line 1732-2 and 3 new triticale lines, isolated in the process of the cytological stabilization of line 1737-1. It was established that the agronomical characteristics in the newly synthesized lines depends on the nucleus, cytoplasm, their interaction and nucleus-cytoplasm co adaptation. The cytoplasms of D2 –type render the strongest positive effect on the ear lenght, spikelet number per ear, kernel number per ear, kernel weight per main ear, kernel weight per plant and 1000- kernel weight in newly syntesized alloplasmic octoploid lines triticale 1732-65 and 1732-66.
Keywords: agronomical characteristics; alloplasmic forms triticale; cytoplasmic effect
Date published: 2019-10-03
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