Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Dairy productivity of Holstein cows and realization of their genetic potential
Valentin Foksha, Aleksandra Konstandoglo
Abstract: In the article are presented the results of the analysis of milk productivity of Holstein cows bred in herds of Joint-Stock Company „Aydyn”, Comrat and Society of limited liability „Doksancom” v. Tomay, Administrative and Territorial Unit Gagauzia, Republic of Moldova. The aim of the work was to study the milk productivity of Holstein cows and the realization of their genetic potential. It is observed a significant increase in milk yields at cows of German breeding – milk productivity for the II lactation was 8740.9 kg of milk, which is by 1479.6 kg more than for the first lactation, the difference is highly reliable (P < 0.001). It was identified the high coefficient of milkness at animals of Dutch and German breeding for II lactation, which amounted 1354.6 kg and 1330.9 kg of milk, respectively, with a difference of only 23.7 kg of milk. With the increase in the number of lactations in the herd of SLL “Doksankom”, an increase in milk yield for lactation occurred. On average for the second lactation were milked 10081.8 kg of milk, the increase was 1101.6 kg of milk, for the third – 10530 kg of milk, an increase of 1549.9 kg of milk, the difference is highly reliable, at P < 0.001. The realization of the genetic potential (RGP) for 305 days of milking was higher for heifers of Dutch breeding and amounted by 78.15%, (JSC „Aydyn”). Realization of genetic potential by milk yield was higher at cows of the third lactation and amounted to 108.3%, (SLL “Doksankom”).
Keywords: fat; genetic potential; Holstein breed; lactation; milk productivity; milk yield
Date published: 2019-09-05
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