Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Applying iodine-containing preparations as growth promoters in Russias poultry farming
Alexander Sergeevich Chernyshkov, Eleonora Evgenievna Ostrikova, Natalia Vladimirovna Lenkova, Natalia Andreevna Ostapenko
Abstract: The Rostov Region is included in the iodine deficient biogeochemical province. Our research was aimed at studying the meat productivity and resistance of BIG-6 crossbreed turkeys when growing on feed using iodine-containing preparations Iodomidol, Iodinol, bentonite clay + iodine. It was found that under the influence of the above mentioned preparations these indicators are improved and the duration of the growing period is reduced. Ash content increases and fat content decreases in turkey meat. The positive effect of preparations on the morpho-biochemical parameters of blood and the immunological status of the test bird body was revealed. The positive influence of Iodimodol on the productive qualities of birds has been experimentally proved. Theoretical and practical significance of the research involves the expediency of introducing Iodinol into the turkey ration at a dose of 0.4 g per 1 kilogram of live weight per day with food in the form of wet mash.
Keywords: BIG-6; blood indices; body resistance; crossbreed turkey; iodine-containing; live weight; poultry farming
Date published: 2019-08-27
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