Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Energy consumption of an experimental cold storage
S. Akdemir
Abstract: Energy consumption of an experimental cold storage was measured for different storage temperatures. Suction temperature and pressure temperature of the compressor and working time of the compressor were determined to reach evaporator set up temperatures. Capacity of compressor, condenser, and evaporator were 10460 kJ/h, 12552 kJ/h, and 10460 kJ/h, respectively. An axial fan located back of the evaporator was used to distribute the cooled air into the cold store. An electrical heater was used to defrost. Refrigerant was R22. The compressor suction and pressure temperatures varied between 1.8oC-14oC, and 37oC-44oC, respectively. Condenser output temperature changed from 28.8 to 45.5oC. Electrical energy consumption were measured as 0.001 kWh for 5oC, 4oC, and 3oC and 0.003 kWh for 2oC, 0.006 kWh for 1oC, 0.001 kWh for -1oC, 0.109 kWh for -2oC and 0.120 kWh for -3oC. Mean energy consumption of the compressor was 0.035 kWh/oC for positive cold storage temperatures (from 5oC to 0oC) and 0.093 kWh/oC for negative temperatures (-1oC, -2oC, and -3oC). Working time of the compressor was changed from 207 s to 25049 s for test temperatures.
Keywords: cold storage; energy consumption; refrigeration
Date published: 2019-08-22
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