Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Rotary potato grader optimization. Part II
P. Azizi, R. Farhadi, N. Sakenian
Abstract: Maximum of gradation precision and reasonable damage is conceivable at optimum speed and feed. Response surface statistical model was applied in MINITAB software for machine optimization and achieving suitable quantities. Thus, factorial design based on completely randomized design was done with two factors of speed and feed at three repeats. Speed and feed levels were selected respectively 9, 14, 20 RPM and 0.1094, 0.2188, 0.6565 kg/s. Precision was measured as correct graded mass divided by total mass at a specific grade. Results of statistical data analysis indicated 99% significant difference between factors and their interactions. In addition, optimum speed and feed respectively was obtained at 9 RPM and 0.1094 kg/s. System included precision of 70.45% for Morfana variety and 68.33% for Agria. Damages were under 5% in these conditions. Two series experiments were done at angle of 20º for machine. Mean precision respectively was acquired 69.8% and 65.31% for Morfana and Agria.
Keywords: feed; gradation precision; Optimization; response surface statistical model; rotational speed
Date published: 2019-08-22
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