Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Effect of AVG treatments on some physico-mechanical properties and color characteristics of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.)
Y. Ozkan, B. Ozturk, K. Yildiz, E. Altuntas
Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of AVG treatments on some physico-mechanical properties and color characteristics of apple. Three levels of AVG as AVG-0 (0 mg L-1, non-treatment), AVG-1 (100 mg L-1) and AVG-2 (300 mg L-1) were used. The geometric mean diameter, fruit mass, bulk density increased from 69.03 mm to 70.40 mm, from 186.8 g to 191.0 g, and from 352.5 to 374.3 kg m-3, whereas, the sphericity of apple decreased from 1.087 to 1.078 as AVG doses increased, respectively. The surface area, projected area and volume increased with AVG doses. L* value increased from 43.75 to 45.88, whereas, chroma decreased from 40.07 to 39.68 as AVG doses increased from 0 to 300 mg L-1, respectively. The static coefficients of friction on rubber and galvanized metal linearly increased from 0.272 to 0.337 and from 0.268 to 0.290 with an increase in AVG doses. The fruit-removal-force and skin firmness of apple linearly increased from 13.85 to 24.07 N and from 106.14 to 109.22 N in magnitude with an increase in AVG doses.
Keywords: apple; AVG treatments; color characteristics; physico-mechanical properties
Date published: 2019-08-22
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