Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Integrated cropping system of rice with oil palm: local and new varieties
Erwin Nyak Akoeb, Alridiwirsah, Hamidah Hanum, Erwin Masrul Harahap
Abstract: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of several cropping systems on the growth and production of high yielding local and high yielding new varieties rice among oil palm plants. This research was conducted in rainfed lowland area that has been planted with oil palm age 4 years in Tiga-Tiga Sub-village, Sungai Sentang Village, Kualuh Hilir District, Labuhanbatu Utara Regency. The research was conducted on October 2015 to March 2016. The study uses Split-Split Plots Design (SSPD) with the main plots of oil palm are 143 plants/ha (P1), 107 plants/ha (P2), 72 plants/ha (P3) populations. Sub-plots are Legowo 2:1 (J1), Legowo 4:1 (J2), Tegel 20x20 cm (J3), Tegel 25x25 cm (J4) cropping systems and sub-subplots are Kuku Balam (V1), Ramos (V2), Inpari 10 (V3) and Inpari Sidenuk (V4) varieties rice. The results that the sum of oil palm populations, cropping system, and interaction cannot increase yield production/ha. The varieties factor can increase the yield production/ha. The character of Kuku Balam and Ramos varieties rice (local) have an effect on increasing plant height, leaf area, panicle length and the sum of grain/ panicle. The character of Inpari Sidenuk varieties rice (new) have an effect on the sum of productive tillers (7.20), grain weight of 1000 seeds (34.44 g) and harvest index value (0.55). The heritability value of rice character is high (52.28 to 99.57%). Kuku Balam varieties have yield production amount 4.47 tons/ha and more adaptive in conditions among oil palm plants.
Keywords: cropping system; oil palm; rice varieties
Date published: 2019-07-31
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