Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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Rosa damascena Mill. - an overview for evaluation of propagation methods
V. Kondakova, A. Ginova, I. Tsvetkov
Abstract: Rosa damascena Mill. f.Trigintipetala, named Kazanlak oil – bearing rose is an emblematic plant species for Bulgaria with important economical sense. Its importance is determined by the extremely high quality of rose oil, which is obtained after distillation of rose flowers. The methods of propagation play a general role in maintenance and improving the quality of oil rose. Traditionally, the oil-bearing rose is vegetative propagated. In this review are considered the advantages and disadvantages of classical methods of propagation (by grafting, layering, cutting) and in vitro methods for propagation. Special attention is directed to the problems that accompany the use of these methods. The layering and grafting are not preferred for use, because their more time consuming and low multiplication rate. The cutting is the preferable way for oil rose propagation in Bulgaria. This method has high generative rate, but obtained plants are not always healthy. In vitro techniques are used for rapid multiplication with high rate, production of healthy and disease-free plants, but they are costly.
Keywords: bioreactors; classical methods of propagation; in vitro micro propagation; Rosa damscena Mill.
Date published: 2019-07-23
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