Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The influence of hormone-vitamin-mineral treatment on reproductive efficiency of Romanov ewes in deep off-season
B. Stancic, G. Savic, S. Jotanovic, M. Podzo, M. Vekic, R. Mijatovic
Abstract: Aim of study was to investigate the influence of hormone-vitamin-mineral treatment on reproductive efficiency of Romanov breed ewes in deep off-season. Experimental and control group consisted of 35 ewes each. Housing conditions, diet, hormonal treatment and insemination were identical for both groups. The difference between the experimental and control group was in the vitamin-mineral treatment. Ewes were treated with progestagens (30 mg FGA), using intravaginal sponges for 12 days. On day of sponge removal, all ewes were treated with 500 IU eCG. On the day of first insemination, ewes were treated with 250 IU hCG. Insemination was performed twice with freshly diluted sperm. Experimental group had fertility of 77.14±7.09%, fecundity of 140.00±6.45% and prolificacy of 181.48±7.11%. In the control group values of these parameters were 67.65±8.02%, 114.71±5.35% and 169.57±7.88%, respectively. Only the difference in fecundity was statistically significant (p<0.01). There were no statistically significant differences (p<0.05) in litter size and viability of lambs in the first 24 hours of life. Using the described hormonal treatment, estrus can be successfully induced and synchronized in deep off-season. With applying additional vitamin-mineral treatment reproductive performances can be improved, compared to the hormonal treatment only.
Keywords: ewe; hormone-vitamin-mineral treatment; off-season; reproductive efficiency
Date published: 2019-07-23
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