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Assessing the level of Environmental Awareness of the Workers on Environment in the Industrial Cities of Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
S. El Tayeb Muneer, A. Nafil Elriwaisi, M. Shayaa Al-Shayaa
Abstract: The industrial cities are one of the most important sources of environmental pollution in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Chemical, cement, pesticides, steel mills and iron, lead smelters, tanning and other multiple hazardous industries exist in clusters in the industrial cities of Riyadh. In the general system of the kingdom, they have been classified as dangerous as they pose negative effects on the environment and human health. This study aims at assessing the level of the environmental awareness among the employees of industrial cities and their knowledge on the environment they work in. The ultimate objective of study is to help in preserving the environment and provide safe environment to the workers to avoid industrial risks and to ensure application of the occupational health and safety measures. Data was collected through personal interviews with a simple random sample of 321 workers, engaged in the multiple disciplines and they represent the real diversity existing in the industrial cities’ workforce. The results showed that 31% of the respondents had good level of environmental awareness, while 60% were found with weak level of environmental awareness and 9% respondents had an average level of environmental awareness. The results of the study showed that there is a correlation between the educational level and age of the respondents and their level of environmental awareness. The study established the need for raising environmental awareness among the workers in the industrial cities through implementation of awareness campaigns. Initiatives on environmental education can be taken by organizing lectures, seminars and training courses. The development of signs and distribution of publications that could enhance the awareness level on environment among the workers should be used. It is important to make the workers aware of risks involved at their workplaces, risks of environmental hazards and health issues that may result from manufacturing processes.
Keywords: awareness; environmental issues; extension education; industrial pollution; occupational health; safety
Date published: 2019-06-14
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