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Boundary conditions on the quantum scalar field system with a fluctuations impulse operator of the vacuum state in living cells (Theoretical field analysis of the concrete quantum field system with an impulse effect in the elementary living cells)
G. Petrov, A. Hadzhy, Ts. D. Tsvetkov
Abstract: The mathematical description of the world is based on the fine play between the continuity and discrete. The discrete is more remarkable than the continuity things as any one-wave quantum field vacuum state defined on the algebraic entities. They can be singularities, bifurcations and autoremodality of this ground state. The classical field theory is a theory of the continuity also describes the principle of the shot-range interaction in the nature. The twenty century has given the quantum field theory that is the theory of the discrete world of the quantum entities. The global effects from the quantum field theory by the interactions of the elementary particle are the appearances of a vacuums structure of every one-quantum field system, e g. the relativistic quantum field. The question above the possibility to find the complicate appearances connected with the existence of the life and the living systems his place in the mathematical frame by the intersection between the classical and the quantum describing of the world of any one concrete quantum field theory by the contemporary ground state of the theoretical biological and nanophysics problems is open by the consideration of high topographical complementarities by the London- and Casimir forces involved importantly in the highly specific and strong but purely classical physical thermodynamically and quantum physically complexity of elementary living cells by enzymes with substrates, of antigens with antibodies, etc. From the new results by the contributions of the environmental freezing-drying and vacuum sublimation (Zwetkow, 1985; Tsvetkov and Belоus 1986, Tsvetkov et al., 1989; Tsvetkov et al., 2004-2011) is hopped that by the great form expressed e.g. by the automodality (scaling) behaviors of the invariant entities by the energy impulse tensor described the elementary living cells and systems will be possibly to describe the biological expressions at the standpoint of the nanophysics by means the behavior of the concrete quantum field system, e.g. sea virtual quantum scalar particles in the physical vacuum with a boundary conditions on every one surface S too. It is possibly that in this processes in the theory will be introduced an elements of the non locality (similar to the Coulomb forces in the Quantum electrodynamics and the Casimir force as global appearances by the interaction of the quantum electromagnetic field with the classical objects e.g. classical boundary conditions or the so called string objects in the Quantum chromo dynamics). On essential result of the perturbation theory in the relativistic quantum fields is the importance of the non-local operator’s expansion on the light cone describing by the quantum chromo dynamics (understanding in the sense of quantum electrodynamics) with the concept of the automodality principle by the autoremodality of the vacuum. This can be understood by means the consideration of the micro causality conditions for the invariance entities in the sense of the maximal singularity considered by the S-matrix theory (Bogolubov et al., 1987) in the deep inelastic scattering of the lepton and hadrons without model consideration, e.g. quantum electrodynamics (Bogolubov et al., 1976). At the molecular level (Mitter and Robaschik, 1999) the thermodynamics behavior is considered by quantum electromagnetic field system with additional boundaries as by the Casimir effect between the two parallel, perfectly conducting square plates (side L, distance d, L > d), embedded in a large cube (side L) with one of the plates at face.
Keywords: automodality principle; Casimir effect; elementary living cells; lyophilization; nanophysics; singularities; vacuum state
Date published: 2019-06-14
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