Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
Array ( [session_started] => 1739881747 [LANGUAGE] => EN [LEPTON_SESSION] => 1 )


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Evaluation of Natural and Cultural properties of Ucmakdere (Tekirdag, Turkey) in Terms of Ecotourism
M. B. Genc, E. E. Sisman
Abstract: In this study, the assessment of Ucmakdere village which has an important potential due to its natural, cultural, and historical characteristics in terms of ecotourism and the determination of the opinions of local residents and visitors regarding the region were aimed. As a result, it is found out that Ucmakdere village is suitable for ecotourism activities in terms of its natural and cultural characteristics. In the survey study, local residents and visitors reported the most important characteristic of Ucmakdere village to be its natural beauty. Visitors mostly come in order to observe traditional and natural village life and to carry out ecotourism activities.
Keywords: ecotourism; natural and cultural sources; recreation; sustainability
Date published: 2019-06-10
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