Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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The effect of protein source on parameters of rumen content and digestibility of nutrients in fattening lambs
V. Pantelich, P. Perisich, M. P. Petrovich, V. Caro-Petrovich, Z. Bijelich, M. M. Petrovich, D. Ruzic-Muslich
Abstract: In this paper, results of the study of the effect of different protein sources in concentrate mixtures on fluid rumen content and digestibility of nutrients in fattening lambs are presented. Physiological study included 18 male lambs of MIS population, average body mass of approx, 35.0 kg, divided into three groups. Lambs were fed isoprotein concentrate mixtures (14% CP) which differed about protein source: sunflower meal (I), soybean meal (II) and fishmeal (III), resulting in different ratio of protein non degradable in rumen: 43% (I), 51% (II) and 58% (III ), respectively. Content of ammonia nitrogen (NH3-N) in rumen fluid of fattening lambs in said treatments was 42.46: 33.86: 31.35 mg/100 ml. pH rumen value in treatments I: II : III were 6.56: 6.35: 6.15. Trial results show that the level of protein intake was not under significant influence of studied treatment, considering that digestibility coefficients were 52.58%: 51.30%: 55.12%. With the increase of the share of non-degradable protein in concentrate mixtures, the tendency of fat digestibility increase was observed: 76.13: 77.98: 87.17%, also of decrease of cellulose intake: 67.40: 45.87: 22.39% and NFE: 83.87: 76.05: 82.96%.
Keywords: digestibility; lambs; non-degradable protein; rumen fluid content
Date published: 2019-02-27
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