Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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L. Malinova
Abstract: Research of soils on the territory of the “Central Balkan” National Park has been performed as required by the Manual of Cools et al., (2010 pp. 14-17). Presence of Regosols has been recognized in areas known for the spread of Umbrisols and Cambisols. High content of organic carbon, total nitrogen and phosphorus in Regosols is defined. In two of the sample plots – Shopov Egrek and Rozinska Mandra, soils are enriched with cadmium from parent materials (2.1-2.4 mg.kg-1). The contents of zinc (40 mg.kg-1), copper (17 mg.kg-1) and lead (21 mg.kg-1) in the litter are characterized by increased values in comparison with the values determined for the regions of the European forests. The Regosols, developed on weathering materials of gneiss and granite are classified as Eutric, and those developed on white in colour gneiss and schists - as Dystric. For assessment of areas, occupied by Regosols on the territory of “Central Balkan” NP mapping is definitely needed and it will contribute to better planning of the measures for protection of the grassland in the park.
Keywords: As; Cd; Cu; forest; grassland; Pb
Date published: 2017-08-16
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