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Production and quality of pollen in terms of fruit set on some self-pollinated pomegranate cultivars
C. Yilmaz, U. Seday, S. Eti, A. Uzun
Abstract: Pomegranate is well-adapted fruit species to arid and semi-arid conditions. This species have male (A type - unfertile) and hermaphrodite flowers (B type - fertile) on the same plant. Because of several problems, appear for fertilization and fruit set, researches on pollen quality and fruit set may be essential. In the present study pollen viability, germination, pollen quantity of A and B type flowers of seven pomegaranate cultivars were investigated. Pollen viability assessment was carried out using 1% 2, 3, 5 triphenyl tetrazolium chloride (TTC) test. Pollen germination capability was investigated agar in petri method by using four different media. Pollen production per anther and per flower was assayed by Hemacytometric method. In addition, fruit set of these cultivars under self-pollination condition was determined. The highest pollen viability level obtained from ‘Mayhos VIII’ and ‘Hicaz’ cultivars. Pollen germination was assayed using 1% agar and different sucrose concentrations (5, 10, 15 and 20%). In general, 15% and 20% sucrose concentrations determined as the best germination medium. Anther number per flower ranged between 275 and 410 according to the cultivars. ‘Katirbasi’ had the highest pollen number per flower whereas ‘Cevlik’ had the lowest. Self-pollination of “Hicaz” with B type flowers showed the best fruit set. Besides, “Eksi Goknar” did not provide any fruit on self-pollination treatments. For that reason, this cultivar can determine as self incompatible. This study showed that, some cultivars need pollinators to set fruit and this should be considered for new plantations.
Keywords: pollen germination; pollen viability; Punica granatum; self-compatible
Date published: 2019-02-27
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