Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science
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V. Kondakova, A. Ginova
Abstract: This research was undertaken to overcome two essential problems, which arise during the process of micropropagation of Rosa damascena Mill. f. trigintipetala Dieck. - in vitro rooting and top necrosis. These problems decrease application of in vitro technologies for mass production of oil - bearing rose plants. The nodal segments from young, active growing shoots were cultured on MS medium with 0.5 mg l-1 BA for shoot induction. Then they are transferred on proliferation medium including QL, 0.5 mg l-1 BA, 0.1 mg l-1 IBA, 0.1 mg l-1 GA3, 0.1 g l-1 Fe-EDDHA. In this study was tested 3 media (MS, QL, WPM) with different combination of hormones for induction of roots. The combination of ½ QL macro salt, QL micro salt and vitamins, 20 g l-1 sucrose, 0.4 mg l-1 IBA, 0.4 mg l-1 IAA, 250 mg l-1 meso- inositol and 250 mg l-1 casein hydrolizate (liquid medium) was the most suitable treatment for rooting. The shoots, which developed roots, are 90%. It was used a temporary immersion bioreactor system RITA® for optimize the micropropagation system. It was very effective for overcome the problem with necrosis because factors, which provoke it, were eliminated. In this article, we report for first time potential capacity of bioreactor system “RITA” for propagation of recalcitrant species as Rosa damascena Mill.
Keywords: bioreactors; in vitro rooting; Rosa damascena Mill. f. trigintipetala Dieck.; top necrosis
Date published: 2019-01-17
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